Total Roll Call vote to repeal DADT: 250 Yes to 175 No, and 9 not voting.
Breakdown by Party:
Democrats: 235 Yes, 15 No, 5 Not Voting
Democrats Voting No: Boren, Bright, Childers, Critz, Davis (AL), Davis (TN), Marshall, McIntyre, Ortiz, Peterson, Rahall, Ross, Skelton, Tanner, and Taylor.
Democrats Not Voting: Baird, Berry, Cardoza, McCarthy (NY) and Woolsey.
All unnamed Democrats voted Yes.
Republicans: 15 Yes, 160 No, 4 Not Voting
Republicans Voting Yes: Biggert, Bono Mack, Campbell, Cao, Castle, Dent, Diaz-Balart, Djou, Dreier, Ehlers, Flake, Paul, Platts, Reichert, and Ros-Lehtinen.
Republicans Not Voting: Granger, Marchant, McMorris-Rodgers, Wamp
All unnamed Republicans voted No.