This was my first Tattoo, and I am
totally jazzed about it. It took 4 1/2 hours start to finish. On a pain scale of 0-10, it was mostly only a 1 (less painful than a mosquito bite) for the outline on my upper arm. As we got to the second or third layer of color on the underside of my arm near my pit, it was more off strips of flesh and then exposing the remaining raw arm to an open flame...LOL! Actually, I may be hooked on the Pain..heh, heh, heh....
In all honesty, the artist and the parlor were great, professional, friendly, upbeat, and better than all my expectations. Major league thanks to Chris Molloy, the artist who designed the band, and Moms Tattoo parlor in Keene, NH (
1 comment:
Nice tattoo! I keep wanting to get one, but I don't know if I ever will. If I ever do, it will either be the Poor Brother symbol I use (modified chi ro), the small cross copts put on their wrist, or a 3-D cross with the 2-D part erased.
Or a bunny.
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