Friday, September 07, 2012

Romney Campaign Buttons Outsourced to China


For the last 40 years or so, I have collected political campaign buttons, especially Presidential Campaign buttons.  I finally decided to shed some of my collection this year, and have been selling some of my prized buttons on eBay.  From FDR through the 2000s, I have hundreds of them (including one from 1876, which I intend on keeping).

In spite of the many differences among them, there is a common theme to all of them, throughout the years:  they were made in  the United States.  Whether the candidate was a liberal Democrat or a conservative Republican, there has been a historic tradition that you not only have your buttons made in the America - - you have them made at union shops.  The all-pervasive “union bug,” the symbol of the manufacturing unions, has been printed  on the edges of US political buttons of all parties for – well, - generations.  The "Union Bug" was first used by the "Carpenter's Eight-Hour League," a union that adopted a stamp in 1869 for use on products produced by factories employing men on the eight- (as opposed to ten-) hour day. 

I have included some samples from my own collection at the bottom of this post.  The “bug” not only sends the message that the candidate supports blue-collar workers and American-made products, it is often used among collectors to validate a button as ‘legitimate’ and not a recent, cheap reproduction.  Common unionized manufacturers – still in existence after more than 80 years - include Bastian Brothers of Rochester, NY and N. G. Slater of New York City.

This year’s Republican platform slams China.  It criticizes their currency policies (a fair criticism), and goes on to warn of GOP plans to use tariffs and international organizational pressure against Chinese imports.  It criticizes the Chinese military presence off of her own shores, and supports weapon sales to Taiwan.

So one would not think that a campaign that is criticizing China; that is threatening tariffs on imports from China; whose standard bearer, Mitt Romney, is trumpeting his ability to create jobs while ducking charges of outsourcing American jobs …would have had its campaign buttons made … 

Guess where?  

In China.

Just got to shake my head.

[UPDATE:  The Romney Campaign was contacted by this Blog on the day we ran this story, through the official campaign Press inquiry channel they requested we use, and was asked to provide the name and address of the company used to make these buttons.  The campaign has chosen, so far, not to respond.]

Pictures of Political buttons with American Union Bugs :  Gerald Ford (Republican, 1976), Wendell Willkie (Republican, 1940), Jimmy Carter (Democrat, 1976) and John B. Anderson (Independent, 1980).


Mark Miller said...

Can we confirm these Romney buttons really are made in China. I think this story is important. A photo of the front and back of this purported example showed up on my Facebook. On the front is the standard Romney logo with "Believe in America" and the back is shown to say "Made in China".
I did a search and stumbled on your blog.
Thanks in advance.

Unknown said...

Unknown said...

Turtle said...

That CNN article references 9/11 pins for charity (, not the Romney-Believe in America buttons. I'm seeing that image all over facebook, but would be interested in seeing a confirmation of that.

Thom Simmons said...

The CNN reports refer back to a July 13 press release....these buttons have been released since then, as have reports of Mitt's investment in Chinese factories....

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am an avid button collector, after checking all of my Romney pins (purchased from the campaign) and three other collectors, NONE of the pins have this mark. Sorry but calling BS on this.

Leela said...

BS called. It is a modified stock photo from The reflection, positioning, blemish on the back button lower and dark spot on the upper are identical to all round button photo's found there. Search "round buttons"

Aric J. Olnes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aric J. Olnes said...

I followed Leela's advice and found the base image for this photoshop job. Sorry, Tully. Nice attempt at demagoguery though.

Nick said...

No, it would seem it is NOT from the stock image.

They do not match.

Marc Sigoloff said...

I am definitely not a Romney supporter, but this claim is a lie. I know the company that makes the official buttons for the Romney campaign, and I guarantee they are made in America. I have written more about modern campaign buttons than anyone else, so this is a subject I know very well.

Leela said...

The shadow and the reflection as well as the positioning of both buttons are identical to the button creation temple they provide to their customers.

Yuppers said...

I'm still waiting for a confirmation on this button but the examples and explanations given so far to say it is fake have no proof backing them. The "shadow" "proof" is so BS. I am fluent in Photoshop and there is no proof of it at this point. Snoops will have the answer soon.
Either way True or False. Romney has had many items from T-shirt, stickers and, Yes, Buttons with the Made in China stamp on them. Did you expect anything less from the GOP. Newt, Perry, Bachmann, Cain and Frothy are all guilty of it.

Bryan said...

I'm calling shenanigans on this. look at the sides of all the buttons pictured from the side. What do they all have in common? The color from the front follows around the edge to the back. I make buttons all the time to sell at fairs. The Romney picture shows a front with a blue border, the button that says "made in China" has a white border. that would have to be some very precise button manufacturing there, and that's simply NOT realistic. Shenanigans !!! the pic is a fake.

Bryan said...

btw, just for the record, here's an article with an Obama button with the exact same zazzle stock photo without the fake "made in China"

Friends of Terry, Marika, Brandon, and Ashley said...

So when will the author of this post apologize and put a big banner on top disavowing this smear?

dwerrlein said...

why are we quibbling about a photograph? Tully, if you collect so many buttons, I expect you own this Romney button that says made in china, right? let's see a video of the button that shows both sides of it.

not a Romney supporter btw, but there are so many reasons to disagree with him, there's no need to make stuff up (if that's, in fact, what's happening here).

Unknown said...

To the person who said they were "fluent" in Photoshop (Danny), are you kidding me? There is a sun reflection that's on the ring, but not the button!! That's basic stuff. How can you call yourself fluent and not notice that the button should have a matching sun reflection!! Are you that blinded by your political views?

Jim said...

Debunked...I expect Tully to issue an apology any second now...right?

Lisa said...

Ok, everyone, we get it, it was photoshopped ...the part that says "made in china" sure.

BUT no one on the Romney campaign has come forward to say that it's a blatant lie, and America's hero would obviously not do that!

Also, not one person who owns a Romney button has come out to say HERE! HERE is the union stamp!

so where are all those button holders at?

Jim said...

Lisa, why should they have to respond to all this silly stuff? Are Democrats just going to go out and mock up more buttons? Then bumper stickers? Then hats? Then T-shirts? etc, etc and expect the Romney campaign to defend it every time?

Tullys Page should do the right thing and post that this is a complete hoax and fraud. Don't you find it ironic that the left has been screaming about "lies" from the GOP at the convention and here we have liberals perpetuating a lie about where Romney buttons are made? I'm sorry if that irony escapes you.

Richard Myers said...

I agree with the comment that it is a stock Zazzle photo that has been photo-shopped. Compare with these:

I'm not a Romney supporter, and i believe the mistaken claims in this blog post should be addressed as soon as possible. I note that the author does not mention having an example button in possession, although the post seems to imply otherwise. Credibility problem...

Unknown said...

Hopefully, the Romney campaign will not respond to this nonsense. This is simply more diversionary hokum to distract from Mr. Obama's failed presidency. Can we please discuss something that matters, like the economy, or Mr. Obama shipping millions of our tax dollars to foreign countries? Thanks.

Unknown said...

Maybe if you could PROVE you actually bought the button through the Romney campaign site, plus had a video of said purchase being opened up by you and showing the front and then the back, I MIGHT believe you. Otherwise, this silly 'faux' image does not make me believe in what you say. Have better proof dude, before you make a big splash on Facebook and other places with your 'blogging'. Silly.

Unknown said...

Hmm, I just checked out Romney's site and in the store it says all items are made in the USA. Check it out, folks.....this guy Tully is just LYING through his teeth (or photoshop package)

Richard Myers said...

Actually there are two issues here. Did the Romney campaign contract for buttons made in China? The "evidence" for this appears to be bogus.

The other issue is, did the Romney campaign hire union labor for campaign materials? I don't see any indication that they have done so. Curiously, with the rightward tilt of the Republican base, it might actually be a liability for them to do so. But anyone who supports unions ought to likewise consider, the Romney campaign doesn't seem to support the idea of well-paid jobs in the U.S. Of course, that wouldn't be a surprise either.

Oscar said...

I have to agree with Bryan. Did anyone else not notice that the edge of the Chinese made button is a different color than the edge of the Romney button?

Anonymous said...

take this LIE of a story down and apologize! we're waiting!

Lisa said...

lmao, Jim, you wouldn't know irony if it slapped you in the face.

Lisa said...

seriously people, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that this was photo shopped, however!

Until the Romney campaingn can come forward and verify that it WASNT the irony here (ahem Jim) is that this hoax is actually pointing to a truth, even if it was using lies to expose it.


Im SO sure when you don't even understand the basic concept of what is going on here, the author is SO going to listen to your cries of TAKE IT DOWN! please. Did you even bother to read all the way to the end? This article is still open for edits and new information. All Romney has to do is provide it...but then again, we know how good he is about full disclosure.

Elliot said...

Just for your information, these things are 'badges'. Buttons are what you put through button holes to close your shirt, for example.

Helping Americans to learn

Jim said...

The Romney campaign already came forward and said their stuff is made in America.

Sorry Lisa, the irony is truly on you. Reminds me of Fake But Accurate that Dan Rather tried to pull with Bush and the Vietnam fake memos in 2004. In your eyes, even though this was photo shopped you believe it to be still a means to an end, so it's ok in your little mind. Again, the irony is delicious.

Jim said...

Unions are one reason, Richard, that well paying jobs have LEFT this country. Their demands are unreasonable, unsustainable and ultimately force businesses to go outside this country just to compete. They devour their own. My wife belongs to a union and we have lived it first hand for many years.

blackimer said...

Nobody calls them badges. Get that stick out of your butt.

Ann Onymous said...

Jim, how many high tech companies offshore due to unionization? I'll give you a hint, it's the same as the percent of African Americans voting for Romney.

Anonymous said...

who says Democrats don't lie.

Anonymous said...

Democrats=the party of keeping Racism alive and the party of the rich Hollywood elites.

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Unknown said...

In the new era of growth for China and for businesses, the challenge and opportunity is in an appropriate risk intelligent approach – taking the right risks and minimizing the bad risks. China

Marc Sigoloff said...

For your information Elliot Lord these are pinback buttons. That is the industry term. Learn correct terminology smart ass.