In a fit of intentionally misleading hate, irresponsible journalists and at least one so-called "Christian" new service have attempted to spin yesterday's tragedy in Norway as an attack by Muslims.
A poll posted on World Net Daily asked the following question:
Do you think more Islamic terrorism of the kind that hit Norway today will visit U.S.?
No, this is an aberration and not reflective of true Islam
No, terrorists are afraid of attacking the U.S. because of Obama's superior Homeland Security approach
No, they will not hit America as long as Obama is in power because he is perceived as conciliatory
No, Obama put the fear of God in them by assassinating Bin Laden
No, I don't believe this was an Islamic attack. It was a false flag operation
Yes, this war has raged in the heart of Islam for 1,300 years. It's not over
Yes, the U.S. is the Great Satan. We need to be ready
Yes, this is a foretaste of what is coming and the 10-year anniversary of 9/11 is near
Yes, this is a monster that must be destroyed not appeased or fed
Yes, the U.S. must be eternally vigilant against its No. 1 foreign enemy
The answers listed above are nothing more than an anti-Obama, anti-Muslim, pro-war indcotrination piece. The owner and editor-in-chief if WND is Joseph Farrah, whose claim to fame is demanding to see Obama's Long-Form birth certificate (a limelight stolen, briefly, by Donald Combover Trump.)
Sadly, World Net Daily was not alone in this pseudo-journalism. An article in today's London Telegraph about the bombing and shooting included the following paragraph:
"British security forces were immediately placed on alert amid fears that Norway’s worst terrorist outrage might be the first in a series of attacks on the West. The carnage followed repeated warnings that al-Qaeda was planning a Mumbai-style attack on countries involved in the war in Afghanistan, where Norway has about 500 troops."
(how many more references to the Islamic world could they have made in one paragraph of insinuation?)
Pamela Geller, publisher of the website Atlas Shrugs and executive director of Stop Islamization of America, wrote on her site: "You can ignore jihad, but you cannot avoid the consequences of ignoring jihad"
There is no doubt that the horror visited upon Norway yesterday was the work not of Muslims or al qaeda, but of Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing, neo-nazi, anti-immigrant, Christo-fascist who called for a new Crusade to wipe Muslims from Europe.
By joining in an anti-Muslim hysteria, World Net Daily and right-wing politicians and "journalists" have, in effect, joined the horrific campaign that Mr. Brevik initiated yesterday in Norway.
Shame on them, their allies, and supporters.
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Celebrating the Anniversary of Wounded Knee in 1973, Freedom for Leonard
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5 hours ago