If you are within a half day's drive of Albany, New York, you can be part of what could be one of the most important civil rights milestones of our generation.
Time: Tuesday, June 21 · 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Location Albany, NY -- West Capitol Park, outside the State Capitol
*Please join New Yorkers United for Marriage: Rally for Love and Marriage*
There are a number of issues still to be resolved in Albany, which means the Legislature will be staying beyond the original June 20th deadline.
We are heartened that there continues to be respectful and productive dialogue on the issue of marriage equality and believe we are getting close to a vote on the Governor's marriage bill.
New Yorkers United for Marriage asks you to join us at a Rally for Love and Marriage tomorrow --Tuesday June 21 -- at noon outside the Capitol in Albany. Together, we will make sure that all New Yorkers will soon be able to marry the person they love.
Departs 7:00 AM New York, West Side of 9th Ave between 31st St and 33rd St
Arrives 9:45 AM Albany, Rensselaer Station
2hrs 45mins
1 seat = $12.00
Bad Sleep
I had a terrible night’s sleep last night. I went to bed about an hour
early, but I was awake at 2:30 am. I tried going back to sleep and may have
dozed a...
9 hours ago