According to an article in this morning's New York Times,
"...Democrats are mostly responsible for the A.I.G. bonus debacle, since Senator Christopher J. Dodd of Connecticut, chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, inserted language in President Obama’s economic stimulus package to exempt bonuses granted by contract before Feb. 11 from general restrictions on bonus payments."
Of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that Christopher Dodd represents Connecticut, the Insurance Industry Capital of the United States.
UPDATE: (From the NY Daily News)
Gov. Paterson stuck to his guns Saturday, insisting he knew nothing about a $100,000 donation from AIG to the state Democratic Party days before his office helped save the insurance giant.
State Republicans charged the Democrats with stonewalling an investigation into the Aug. 29 donation, uncovered last week by The Associated Press.
In the first week of September, Paterson launched negotiations to save the financially strapped company.
TODAY! TUBA CITY: Walk to Shut Down Pinyon Plain Uranium Mine!
Come out Saturday and support the grassroots group Bidi Roots in Tuba City
on the Navajo NationThe Awareness Walk today, February 22, begins at 8 am,
in th...
9 hours ago