At 5:00 pm this evening, the Democrats proved that they can be just as disingenuous as Republicans.
In response to a media storm over the 2012 Democratic Party Platform - which had removed references to God as well as a standing platform plank recognizing Jerusalem to be the capital of Israel - the Convention voted to suspend the rules to amend the Platform. The Chair of the Platform Committee then offered the amendments to restore the "Jerusalem-is-Capital" plank and the acknowledgment of God in the Platform. There was no further debate, and a voice vote was called. The vote required a 2/3 affirmative to change.
The Chair called for the ayes and nays.
The Chair appeared stunned at the response.
The Nays were as loud as, if not louder than, the Ayes.
The Chair looked around and smiled in an embarassed-sort-of-way.
In an effort to find an easy way out, he called for the vote again.
This time the nays were clearly louder than the ayes.
This was not the expected outcome. Democrats had huddled for 48 hours in an effort to insure that the rejection of the Jerusalem plank would not cost them the electoral votes of Florida, with its heavy Jewish electorate.
The only appropriate move - as it was broadcast on national television - would have been to call for a roll call vote of the delegates in attendance.
Appallingly, the chair then called for the vote for the third time - and again, the convention delegates clearly voted 'no' on the changes on a passionate voice vote.
The Chair then declared that a 2/3 affirmative vote had been achieved, declared the platform amended, and went on to the opening ceremonies.
The Platform is now a shameful Lie, and does not reflect the vote of the Delegates.
Today Spirit Run to Oak Flat -- Photos by Morgun Frejo
Today, Chi chil Bitdagoteel, 11th Annual Oak Flat March/RunToday Spirit Run
to Oak Flat -- Photos by Morgun FrejoBy Brenda Norrell, Censored News, Feb.
3 hours ago